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MKEH » kereskedelmi » haditechnikai_osztaly

Unit of Defence Industry


a) fulfilling the official duties regarding the licensing procedures for the manufacture of military goods and the provision of military services, and those of licensing, and certification in the field of military foreign trade, issuing licenses according to the 258/2012/EU and 125/20129/EU regulations, inspecting licensees and fulfilling other related tasks;

b) submitting opinions regarding the proposals concerning the department’s field;

c) participation and representation at the sessions of international organizations and EU institutions (regarding military products), representing Hungary within the framework of the Wassenaar Arrangement and fulfilling the obligations undertaken by the country;

d) the collection and analysis of statistical data concerning the field, fulfilling reporting duties based on national regulations and international obligations, providing annual reports;

e) participation in the supervision of the domestic fulfillment of obligations based on military embargo treaties;

f) the organization and development of the international cooperation regarding military foreign trade, participation in the proceedings concerning the GOCCB and foreign troops stationed in Hungary;


Foreign trade:

Activity licensing:




Date of last update: 2024-05-30