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 Summary table

Brief description of specific field

Safety requirements and certification of conformity for lifts

EU directive:

DIRECTIVE 2014/33/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to lifts and safety components for lifts

EU directive’ s abbreviation


Transposition into Hungarian legislation:

Guide to the directive:


Current list of related  harmonised standards:

Current list of standards pops up when clicking on “Hu” checkbox of “Publications in the Official Journal” page.

Relevant page on European Commission’s website:

LIFTS site

Notified bodies to European Commission according the directive:

List of notified bodies


The European Parliament’s legislative resolution on proposal (revision) for member state laws harmonization for the distribution of lifts and lift safety devices – wording adopted.

Short description of specific field

These products are governed by the 28/2016. (VIII.23.) NGM ministerial decree on safety requirements and certification of conformity for lifts. The 2014/33/EU Lift Directive is transposed to Hungarian law by this NGM decree.

Lifts provide an essential means of comfortable and safe access to modern buildings. The provision of lifts in new buildings and the installation of lifts in many existing buildings have an increasingly important role to play in an ageing society giving growing priority to the social integration of people with special needs.

The Lifts Directive 2014/33/EU has double aim of permitting free circulation of lifts and its safety components within the internal EU market and ensuring high level of safety for lift users and maintenance staff.

Related legislation:

The government decree 146/2014. (V.5.) on requirements for installation, use and removal of lifts, escalators and moving walkways.


Tamás Kovács

Telephone:  +36 1 4585-881


Date of last update: 2023-09-04