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Bottles used as measuring containers (measuring container bottles)

Summary table

Short name of the speciality:

bottles used as measuring containers

EU directive:

Council Directive 75/107/EEC of 19 December 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to bottles used as measuring containers

EU directive’ s abbreviation:

measuring container bottles

Transposing Hungarian legislation:

Ministerial decree 8/1997. (III. 21.) IKIM rendelet
on placing on the market of bottles used as measuring containers

Guide to directive:

Guidance (in the part „Guidance documents and their status” of the page)

Actual list of harmonised standards:

Site of the speciality on European Commission’s website:

Pre-packaging page

Notified bodies to European Commission according the directive:


The market surveillance of these products is the responsibility of the authority from 16 July 2021.

Short description of speciality

These products are determined by the ministerial decree 8/1997. (III. 21.) IKIM rendelet (hereafter: IKIM decree). Directive 75/107/EEC is transposed to Hungarian law by IKIM decree.

The products of speciality are glass bottles – or bottles made of any other substance having such rigidity and stability that it offers the same metrological guarantees as glass –, which of   nominal capacity of between 0.05 and 5 litres. The nominal capacity of bottles is determined by filling up to a specified level or to a specified percentage of their brim capacity. Their name is: measuring container bottles. Measuring container bottles are e.g. glass bottles for spirits.

The conformity marking can be seen on measuring container bottles is the reversed epsilon (stylised letter ε is reversed symmetrically about a vertical axis):

Connecting legislation:

Connects to IKIM decree:

Sándor Szilágyi


Date of last update: 2021-09-08