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MKEH » piacfelugyeleti_muszaki » Piacfelugyeleti_Osztaly » Meroeszkozok_nem_automatikus_merlegek_MID_es_NAWI

Measuring instruments; non-automatic weighing instruments (MID and NAWI)


Summary table

Short name of the speciality:

Measuring instruments (MID) and non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI)

EU directives:

MID: 2014/32/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of measuring instruments (26 February 2014)
NAWI: 2014/31/EU the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of non-automatic weighing instruments (26 February 2014)

Repealed EU directives:

MID: 2004/22/EC on measuring instruments (31 March 2004)
NAWI: 2009/23/EC on non-automatic weighing instruments (23 April 2009)

Transposing Hungarian legislation:

MID: 43/2016. (XI. 23.) NGM rendelet on specific requirements of measuring instruments
NAWI: 19/2016. (VI. 17.) NGM rendelet  on metrological requirements and certification of conformity of non-automatic weighing instruments

Repealed legislations:

MID: 8/2006. (II. 27.) GKM rendelet on specific requirements of measuring instruments
NAWI: 62/2004. (IV. 24.) GKM rendelet on metrological requirements and certification of conformity of non-automatic weighing instruments

Guide to directives:

Guidance for both directives

Actual list of harmonised standards:

MID: List of standards and normative documents
NAWI: List of standards

Site of the specialities on European Commission’s website:

MID and NAWI site common to the two directives

Notified bodies to European Commission according the directives:

MID: list

NAWI: list



Short description of speciality

These products are determined by the ministerial decree 43/2016. (XI. 23.) NGM rendelet (hereafter: 43/2016. NGM decree) and ministerial decree 19/2016. (VI. 17.) NGM rendelet (hereafter: 19/2016. NGM decree). MID (measuring instruments directive) is transposed to Hungarian law by 43/2016. NGM decree, NAWI (non-automatic weighing instruments) is transposed to Hungarian law by 19/2016. NGM decree. There are 10 measuring instrument categories under scope of MID:

  • water meters,
  • gas meters and computing unit ,
  • electric consumption meters,
  • heat consumption meters,
  • measuring systems for the continuous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids other than water,
  • automatic weighing instrument,
  • taximeters,
  • material measures (material measure of length, capacity serving measures),
  • dimensional measuring instruments (length measuring instrument, area measuring instruments, multi-dimensional measuring instruments),
  • exhaust gas analyser.

There is 1 measuring device category under scope of NAWI: non-automatic weighing instruments (weighing instruments which require manual intervention). These weighing instruments are used in retail (in shops).

Beyond CE marking important obligatory markings on measuring instruments comply with requirements of MID and NAWI:

  • The supplementary metrology marking which consists of the capital letter ‘M’ and the last two digits of the year of its affixing, surrounded by a rectangle. The height of the rectangle is equal to the height of the CE marking. The supplementary metrology marking is next to CE marking.
  • The identification number of notified body involved in production phase of the conformity assessment of the product. The four digit identification number next to CE marking and supplementary metrology marking. (Note: in very rare cases, the indication of the identification number is not a requirement.)

Connecting legislation:

The 11 measuring instruments under the scope of 43/2016. NGM decree and 19/2016. NGM decree are belong to measuring instruments to be verified obligatory according to 2. annex of the decree 127/1991. (X. 8.) Korm. rendelet implementing the metrological law 1991. évi XLV. törvény.

Sándor Szilágyi



Date of last update: 2024-07-02