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Market Surveillance Section

The Market Surveillance Section (Piacfelügyeleti Osztály) of Metrological and Technical Supervisory Department (Metrológiai és Műszaki Felügyeleti Főosztály) in Government Office of the Capital City Budapest (Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala) is appointed as market surveillance authority – for territory described below – by Government Decree No. 365/2016. (XI. 29.) Korm. rendelet on assigning Government Office of the Capital City Budapest as authority for specific industrial and commercial matters and the regional metrology and technical safety authorities.

Market Surveillance Department deals with market surveillance official tasks specified by legislations for Authority:

  • Market surveillance control of below listed products for professional use:
  • pressure equipments and systems,
  • simple pressure vessels,
  • certain transportable pressure equipments,
  • gas appliances,
  • low voltage products,
  • machineries,
  • elevators (not only for professional use),
  • certain equipments and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres,
  • certain energy-related products
    • with respect to ecodesign,
    • with respect to indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources,
  • certain equipments for use outdoors with respect to noise emission
  • certain measuring instruments, including non-automatic weighing instruments
  • electrical and electronic equipments with respect to restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances
  • aerosol dispensers
  • Starting procedure in case of non-compliance, ordering immediate injunction in case of serious danger discovered by control.
  • Controls, measures related to alert of customs.
  • Preparing of annual market surveillance program, sending it to the minister responsible for consumer protect, publication of it.
  • Participating in work of market surveillance administrative cooperative (ADCO) groups – in the field of certain directives – operated by market surveillance authorities of EU-states and European Commission.
  • Participating in Market Surveillance Working Group (in Hungary).
  • Contact with professional organization, information to economic operators, operators, and users.

Market Surveillance Section
Melinda Lukács, dr. head of department
1124 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 37-39.
Telephone: +36 1 4585 568
Fax: +36 1 4585 864

Date of last update: 2023-07-31