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MKEH » piacfelugyeleti_muszaki » Elektromos_es_elektronikus_berendezesek_veszelyes_anyagainak_korlatozasa_RoHS

Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS)

Summary table

Short name of the speciality:

Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS)

EU directive:

DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment

EU directive’ s abbreviation


Transposing Hungarian legislation:

Ministerial decree 374/2012. (XII.18.) Korm. rendelet on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment

Guide to directive:


Actual list of harmonised standards:

List of standards

On the site click to little square EN under the text „Publications in the Official Journal” to open the actual list in PDF format.

Site of the speciality on European Commission’s website:

RoHS site

Notified bodies to European Commission according the directive:




Short description of speciality

These products are determined by the ministerial decree 374/2012. (XII. 18.) Korm. rendelet (hereafter: RoHS decree). Directive 2011/65/EK is transposed to Hungarian law by RoHS decree.

Categories of electrical and electronic equipment covered by this Directive:1.

1. Large household appliances.

2. Small household appliances.

3. IT and telecommunications equipment.

4. Consumer equipment.

5. Lighting equipment.

6. Electrical and electronic tools.

7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment.

8. Medical devices

9. Monitoring and control instruments including industrial monitoring and control instruments.

10. Automatic dispensers.

11. Other electrical and electronic equipment not covered by any of the categories above.

Compliance with the requirements of the RoHS Regulation for hazardous substances is set out in Sections 9-10. for the product group - in some cases for the product group 11 - is checked by the Government Office of the Capital City of Budapest and within it by the Market Surveillance Department of the Metrological and Technical Supervision Department.

Related legislation

The RoHS Regulation is related to Decree 197/2014 (VIII. 1.) 197/2014. (VIII.1.) Korm. rendelet on waste management activities for electrical and electronic equipment, which complies with Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment.


 Erika Dr. Vékes-Ilinszky               e-mail:


Date of last update: 2023-01-12