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Basic terms


"Metrology" is not a frequently used word in everyday life, although it is present almost everywhere in our life. For example when we have to pay for something the price is often calculated by using a result of a measurement, or when we want to make certain decisions and we need data, which are also results of measurements. Using bad data can lead to very severe consequences.

Metrology is defined as the science of measurement and its application, and its history dates back to ancient times. The increase in demand for the accuracy and reliability of measurement always goes hand in hand with the development of science.

The word of science is usually associated scientists and natural laws, but metrology has an other aspect as well.

The gradual development of trade has made the standardization of units and methods of measurements necessary. The result of measurements depends not only on the capability of the device used, but on the people who perform the measurement as well. So the activity had to be regulated by the means of law as well. The practice is governed by the laws and regulations, and the authorities have an important role, too. That is the „legal metrology”.

The international division of laboratory and the globalization of world economy require the removal of the administrative barriers to the free movement of goods and services, meanwhile in modern societies, the state has a growing responsibility for the protection of consumers as well, and it has to guarantee the quality and quantity of goods and services.  The mutual recognition of certificates and measurement results is a prerequisite for this goal.

Worldwide, and in Hungary as well, more and more people are dealing or in contact with the measurements, so the knowledge of the terms of metrology and the concerning regulation is more essential than ever before.



Date of last update: 2011-09-13