Akadálymentes mkeh.hu
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Laboratory measuring materials reception

We inform our respected customers, that the Laboratory materials reception – edition take place at the Assay Authority location, Bláthy Ottó street 3-5., H-1089 Budapest,  customer waiting at the middle edition window.

 Office hours : M – F  8.00-12.00 pm

Our customers should fill the Laboratory Measuring Order Form which could be provide personally at the material receving or can be download  form the Authority webside.

Laboratory Measuring Order Form download

Laboratory measuring materials accepted date:


Measuring type                                                  Accepted date/ working day


                                                            Normal          Urgent        Double urgent


Gold, silver fire assay                                  5                   3                   1

Silver potentiometric titration                     5                    3                   1

Platinum and platinum metals                    15                   5                   -

gravimetric measuring method

XRF measuring method                              1            day receving          -

ICP measuring method                             15                  5                   -

Low preciuos metal content                     15                   5                   -

material analyses

Coins (Au, Ag) assaying                            3                    1                   -

Different jewellery alloy assaying               15                    5                   -

before permission prescribed by the low 

Date of last update: 2023-07-05