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Legislation in force in the e-Government Portal collections available!


Major regulations relating to the actitvities of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest

1. Metrology


  • Act XLV of 1991. on Metrology
  • Government Decree No. 127/1991. (X. 9.) on the implementation of the Law on metrology
  • Decree No. 32/2005. (XI. 21) PM of the Minister on inplementing tasks related to the licencing, handling and supervision of gambling
  • Decree No. 8/1997. (III. 21.) IKIM of the Minister Trade and Tourism on circulation of bottles used as measuring containers
  • Decree No. 78/1997. (XII. 30) IKIM of the Minister of  Industry, Trade and Tourism on fees to be paid for  the metrological administrative services
  • Decree No. 51/1999. (IX. 10.) GM of the Minister of Economy on regulations concerning to the technical requirements, marketing and installation of car tire pressure sensors
  • Decree No. 65/1999. (XII. 13.) GM of the Minister of Economy on the technical and metrological requirements, inspection and certification of certain weights of above-average accuracy
  • Decree No. 6/2000. (II. 25.) GM of the Minister of Economy on technical and metrological requirements, inspection and certification of certain prism and cylindrical weights of medium accuracy
  • Decree No. 35/2000. (X. 18.) GM of the Minister of Economy on technical and metrological requirements, inspection and certification of alcoholometers and alcohol density meters
  • Decree No. 6/2001. (III. 19.) GM of the Minister of Economy on measuring devices and their official metrological control
  • Decree No. 62/2004.(IV.24.)  GM of the Minister of Economy on metrological requirements  and certification of non automating weighing instruments 

2. Technical Safety; Specific Non-building Structures; Electricity Systems and Structures

  • Act CXVI of 1996 on Atomic Energy
  • Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Formation and Protection of the Built Environment
  • Act CXLI of 1997 on Real Estate Registration
  • Act XXV of 2000 on Chemical Safety
  • Act C of 2001 on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Degrees
  • Act XVIII of 2005 on District Heat Supply
  • Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply
  • Act LXXXVI of 2007 on Electric Energy
  • Act LXXVI of 2009 on General Rules on Taking Up and Pursuit of Service Activities
  • Act LXXIX of 2011 on the Proclamation of the Consolidated Text of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) with the Modifications and Amendments of Annexes A and B to the ADR introduced in 2011
  • Statutory Law 19 of 1979 on the Proclamation of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
  • Government Decree No. 253/1997. (XII. 20.) of the Government on the National Requirements of Town Planning and Building
  • Government Decree No. 40/2002. (III. 21.) of the Government on Licensing Construction of Establishments for Defense and Military Purposes
  • Government Decree No. 157/2005. (VIII. 15.) of the Government Implementing Act XVIII of 2005 on District Heat Supply
  • Government Decree No. 314/2005. (XII. 25.) of the Government on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Uniform Environmental Use permits
  • Government Decree No. 104/2006. (IV. 28.) of the Government on the Rules Regarding the Qualifications of Practitioners of Urban Planning, Architectural and Technical Planning and Technical Experts in the Construction Industry
  • Government Decree No. 245/2006. (XII. 5.) of the Government on the Detailed Rules of Determination of Construction Fine
  • Government Decree No. 263/2006. (XII. 20.) of the Government on the National Transport Authority
  • Government Decree No. 343/2006. (XII. 23.) of the Government on the Designation and Operation Conditions of Construction and Construction Surveillance Authorities
  • Government Decree No. 382/2007. (XII. 23.) of the Government on the Procedures of the Authority Licensing Construction in the Electricity Sector
  • Government Decree No. 33/2008. (II. 21.) of the Government on the Authorities Acting in Matters Coming under Act C of 2001 on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates and Degrees
  • Government Decree No. 19/2009. (I. 30.) of the Government implementing Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply
  • Government Decree No. 76/2009. (IV. 8.) of the Government on the Procedures of the Spatial Planning Authority
  • Government Decree No. 194/2009. (IX. 15.) of the Government on the Detailed Rules of Integrated Licensing Procedures for the Construction, furthermore on the Identification of the Co-operating Authorities
  • Government Decree No. 306/2010. (XII. 23.) of the Government on the Protection of Air
  • Government Decree No. 312/2012. (XI. 8.) of the Government on the Procedures and Inspections of the Authorities Responsible for Licensing and Supervision of Constructions, and on Services Provided by Authorities for Constructions
  • Decree No. 8/1981. (XII. 27.) IpM of the Minister of Industry on Shock Protection Rules of Communal and Residential Buildings
  • Decree No. 4/1987. (V. 13.) KM of the Minister of Transport on the Proclamation of the Annexes to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail
  • Decree No. 5/1990. (IV. 12.) KöHÉM of the Minister of Transport, Communications and Construction on Technical Inspections of Road Transport Vehicles
  • Decree No. 6/1990 (IV. 12.) KöHÉM of the Minister of Transport, Communications and Construction on Technical Requirements for Placing into, and Maintaining in Circulation of Road Transport Vehicles
  • Decree No. 1/1990. (IX. 29.) KHVM of the Minister of Transport, Communications and Water Management on Personnel and Infrastructure-related Requirements concerning the Maintenance of Motor Vehicles
  • Decree No. 11/1994. (III. 25.) IKM of the Minister of Industry and Trade on the Storage Tanks for Dangerous Liquids and Melts
  • Decree No. 3/1998. (I. 12.) IKIM of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism on Registration of Economic Entities Manufacturing Certain Welded Structures
  • Decree No. 8/2001. (III. 30.) GM of the Minister of Economic Affairs on Technical Safety Codes for Electricity Systems
  • Decree No. 9/2001. (IV. 5.) GM of the Minister of Economic Affairs on the Safety Requirements related to and the Conformity Assessment of Pressure Equipment
  • Decree No. 72/2003. (X. 29.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on the Issue of the Safety Code for Working on Live Equipment
  • Decree No. 94/2003. (XII. 18.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on the official technical safety supervision of pressure and filling facilities
  • Decree No. 12/2004. (II. 13.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on Professional Qualification and Experience Required for Filling Posts Considered Important from the Point of View of Technical Safety in Natural Gas Supply
  • Decree No. 63/2004. (IV. 27.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on the Technical Safety Supervision of Pressure and Filling Installations;
  • Decree No. 59/2005. (VII. 18.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on the Establishment and Operation of on Economic and Transport Safety Duty, and on Certain Reporting Obligations;
  • Decree No. 26/2006. (V. 5.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on the Construction and Operation of LPG Stations;
  • Decree No. 30/2006. (VI. 1.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on the Periodic Safety Inspections of LPG Vessel;
  • Decree No. 51/2007. (V. 17.) GKM of the Minister of Economics and Transport on Technical Safety Codes for Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Gas Supply Units Used in Gas-fuelled Machines, and for Retrofitting of Machines Supplied with Internal Combustion Engine to Gas-fuelled System;
  • Decree No. 30/2009. (XI. 26.) NFGM of the Minister of National Development and Economy on Licensing and Registration of Gas Fitters and Specialists;
  • Decree No. 20/2010. (XII. 31.) NGM of the Minister for National Economy on the Fees Payable to the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office for Administrative Services on Technical Safety and Construction;
  • Decree No. 21/2010. (V. 14.) NFGM of the Minister of National Development and Economy on Qualifications Required for Certain Industrial and Commercial Activities;
  • Decree No. 7/2011. (III. 8.) NFM of the Minister of National Development on Transportation on Road of Agrochemical Substances and Fuels by Trailer of a Tractor or a Slow Moving Vehicle;
  • Decree No. 29/2011. (VIII. 3.) NGM of the Minister for National Economy on the Safety Requirements related to and the Conformity Assessment of Transportable Pressure Equipment;
  • Decree No. 118/2011. (XII. 15.) VM of the Minister for Rural Development on the Reduction of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) during Storage and Distribution of Petrol, and during Refuelling of Motor Vehicles at Service Stations;
  • Government Decree No. 146/2014. (V. 5.) on lifts, escalators and moving walkways; 
  • Act CLXVI of 2012 on the identification, designation and protection of the critical infrastructures;

  • Act LXXVII. of 2013 on the adult education;

  • Government Decree No. 65/2013. (III. 8.) of the Government implementing Act CLXVI XL of 2012 on the identification, designation and protection of the critical infrastructures;

  • Government Decree No. 266/2013. (VII. 11.) of the Government on the professional activities connected to the building affairs;

  • Government Decree No. 360/2013. (X. 11.) of the Government on the identification, designation and protection of the critical infrastructures of energetic sector;

  • Decree No. 11/2013. (III. 21.) NGM of the Minister of Economics on the Technical Safety Regulations of Connection Gas Supply Pipelines, Gas Appliances, Gas Supply Pipelines on Site, and the connected Duty of Authority;

  • Decree No. 54/2014. (XII. 5.) BM Minister of the Interior on the National Fire-protection Rules;

  • Act CIX of 2013 Promulgating Appendix "C" of Annex of the Report dated 3 June 1999th adopted in Vilnius amending  the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) (RID) and certain aspects of their Application in Hungary;

  • Act CX of 2013 Promulgating Appendix "A" and "B" of the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and certain aspects of their Application in Hungary;


    Decree No. 61/2013. (X. 17.) NFM of the Minister of National Development on the National Application of Annexes “A” and “B” of the European Agreement on International Transport of Dangerous Goods (ADR);

  • Decree No. 62/2013. (X. 17.) NFM of the Minister of National Development on the National Application of the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID);

  • Decree No. 35/2014. (XI. 19.) NGM of the Minister for National Economy on the technical safety requirements for the operation of certain transportable pressure equipments and the Safety Code for Gas Cylinders;

3. Market Surveillance

  • law 2012. évi LXXXVIII. on the market surveillance of products;
  • governmental decree 6/2013. (I. 18.) Korm. on detailed rules on market surveillance activities;
  • ministerial decree 79/1997. (XII. 31.) IKIM  on safety requirements and certification of conformity of certain electrical products;
  • ministerial decree 16/2008. (VIII. 30) NFGM on safety requirements and certification of conformity of machines;
  • governmental decree 140/2001. (VIII. 8.) Korm. on noise emission requirements and certification of conformity of certain outdoor equipments;
  • ministerial decree 9/2001. (IV. 5.) GM on safety requirements and certification of conformity of pressure equipment and systems;
  • ministerial decree 8/2003. (II. 19.) GKM on safety requirements and certification of conformity of the transportable pressure equipments;
  • ministerial decree 22/1998. (IV. 17) IKIM on design and certification of conformity of certain gas-consuming appliances;
  • ministerial decree 20/1998. (IV. 17) IKIM on efficiency requirements and certification of conformity of hot-water boilers fired with gaseous or liquid-fuel;
  • ministerial decree 8/2002. (II. 16) GM on examination and certification of equipments, protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres;
  • ministerial decree 62/2004. (IV. 24) GKM on metrological requirements and certification of conformity of non-automatic weighing instruments;
  • ministerial decree 8/2006. (II. 27) GKM on specific requirements of measuring instruments;
  • governmental decree 65/2011. (IV. 15) Korm. on regulation of ecodesign obligations and general terms of placing on the market and certification of conformity of energy-related products; EU regulations connection with this governmental decree:
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 641/2009 of 22 July 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for glandless standalone circulators and glandless circulators integrated in products;
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 640/2009 of 22 July 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for electric motors;
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 245/2009 of 18 March 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast, for high intensity discharge lamps, and for ballasts and luminaires able to operate such lamps, and repealing Directive 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council;
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 107/2009 of 4 February 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for simple set-top boxes;
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 of 17 December 2008 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipment;
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 278/2009 of 6 April 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for no-load condition electric power consumption and average active efficiency of external power supplies;
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2009 of 22 July 2009 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for televisions;

4. Trade 

  • Act CXII of 1996 4 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises;

  • Act XLVIII of 1996 on Public Warehousing;

  • Act L of 1998 on the announcement of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1988. December 20, Vienna

  • Act XXX of 2004 on the announcement of Treaty on the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic, to the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland , the Kingdom of Great Britain and, the United Kingdom of the Northern Ireland (Member States of the European Union) especially the Annex X;

  • Act XLVI of 2008 on the Food Supply Chain and on the Control and Supervision of the Food Supply Chain;

  • Government Decree 213/1996. (XII. 23.) on the activity of travel agents and brokers;

  • Government Decree 245/2000. (XII. 24.) on the peculiarities of the yearly obligation of public warehouses relating to accounting and book-keeping;

  • Government Decree 175/2003. (X. 28.) on equipments particularly dangerous to the public safety;

  • Government Decree 17/2004. (II. 13.) on rules for the system of securities for agricultural and food industrial products;

  • Government Decree 159/2005 (VIII. 16.) on the establishment of certain official rules of procedures and the setting of tasks and responsibilities of competent authorities in relation to drug precursors;

  • Government Decree 210/2009. (IX. 29.) on the conditions of performing commercial activities;

  • Government Decree 25/2006. (II. 3.) on the rules of limitation of emission of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products;

  • Government Decree 281/2008. (XI. 28.) on travel contract;

  • Government Decree 186/2009. (IX. 10.) on fine in case omitting the notifiable service activities notification and setting the authorities controlling the service

  • Regulation (EU) No 98/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2013 on the marketing and use of explosives precursors

  • Government Decree 52/2012. (III. 28.) on trading of certain goods, services and rights representing material value on the cross-tariff or cross-border;

  • Decree 101/2005. (XI. 24.) GKM Minister of Economy and Transport on the fees payable to the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office for administrative services;

  • Decree 14/2008. (XII. 20.) ÖM on horse riding service provider activity;

  • Decree 33/2009. (XII. 18.) ÖM on tour guiding activity;

  • Decree 34/2009. (XII. 29.) ÖM on the adaptation of Act CXL of 2004 on the General Rules of Administrative Proceedings and Services Article 94. (2) a) and on the alteration of some ministerial decree;

  • Government Decree 55/2011. (IV. 12.) on regulation issuing and using Széchenyi Pihenő Card; 

  • Government Decree 141/2011. (VII. 21.) on regulation of certain aspects of timeshare, long-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts and timeshare service activities;

  • Decree 3/1992. (I. 13.) IKM on tour agent professional certification exam;

  • Decree 5/1997. (III. 5.) IKIM on qualifications needed to practice industrial, commercial and tourism activities;

  • Decree 1/1965. (I. 24.) IM of the Minister of Justice on the publication of the text of the rules of exchange law;

  • Decree 21/1998. (XII. 17.) GM of the Minister of Economy on the fee payable for the administrative services by public warehouses and on detailed rules of the payment of the fee for the supervisory procedure.

  • Government Decree 274/2016. (IX. 15.) on the marketing and use of explosives precursors

  • Regulation (EU) No 510/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 1216/2009 and (EC) No 614/2009;

  • Commision delegated Regulation (EU) No 907/2014 of 11 March 2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to paying agencies and other bodies, financial management, clearance of accounts, securities and use of euro;

  • Commision implementing Regulation (EU) No 908/2014 of 6 August 2014 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to paying agencies and other bodies, financial management, clearance of accounts, rules on checks, securities and transparency.

  • Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2018/640 of 25 April 2018 introducing prior Union surveillance of imports of certain aluminium products originating in certain third countries


5. Defence Industry and Export Control

  • Act CIX of 2005 on licensing of manufacturing military equipments  and providing military services
  • Act CIV of 1997 on the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
  • Law-Decree No. 11 of 1975 on the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Biological and Toxin Weapons and their Destruction
  • Government Decree 160/2011 (VIII.18.) on licensing the export, import, transfer and transit of military equipments, military services and certification of undertakings
  • Government Decree 144/2011 (VII. 27.) on the regulation of the foreign trade of nuclear and nuclear dual-use items
  • Government Decree 13/2011. (II. 22.) on the foreign trade authorisation of dual-use items
  • Government Decree 301/2005 (XII.23.) on rules of manufacturing military equipments  and providing military services
  • Government Decree 212/1998 (XII. 24.) on the Implementation of Declaration Obligations Arising from the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction and the Order of Supervision
  • 32/2007. (III. 19.) ministry of economy and transport decree on marking of military equipments and record keeping of military equipments and services

6. Precious Metal Assaying

  • Decree NGM no. 35/2011 (IX. 14.) of the Minister for National Economy on the public activities related to articles of precious metals
  • Government Decree No 187/2011. (IX. 14.) Korm. on the assaying, authentication and attestation of the precious metal content of articles of precious metals, furthermore, the equivalence of authentication and attestation
  • Government Decree No 320/2010. (XII.27.) Korm. on the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office and the Regional Metrology and Technical Safety Authorities
  • Act CXXXVI of 2007 on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
  • Decree no.  21/2010. (V.14.) NFGM on required qualification for some industrial and commercial activities
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services
  • Government Decree No 210/2009. (IX. 29.) Korm. on conditions of  performing commercial activities
  • Government Decree No 55/2009. (III. 13.) Korm. on fairs, markets and shopping centres
  • Decree no.  57/2006. (VIII. 3.) GKM on administration service fees for hallmarking, assaying and registration content
  • Decree 35/2007 (XII.29.) PM of the Ministry of Finance on binding content elements of the internal rules to be prepared by the service providers on the basis of Act. CXXXVI of 2007 on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

7. Regulations are involved in more activities


  • Act XCIII of 1990 on Duties;
  • Act CXII of 2011 on information self-determination and freedom of information;
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and on Information Society Services;
  • Act CXXVI of 2003 on the Implementation of Community Customs Law;
  • Act CXXIX of 2003 on Public Procurement;
  • Act XXIX. of 2004 on some legislative amendments, repeal of laws and certain legal arrangements in connection to EU accession;
  • Act CXL of 2004 on the General Rules of Administrative Proceedings and Services;
  • Act CLXIV of 2005 on Trade;
  • Act CXXXVI of 2007 on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.









Date of last update: 2023-01-17