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The Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Precious Metal Assay and Money Laundering Supervision department (hereinafter referred as:  Authority) tests precious metal articles for their material and their legal requirements according to on the section 10th of the Goverment Decree No. 508/2017. (XII. 29.). If a precious metal article meets the specified requirements according to the test completed, it shall be hallmarked to certify its domestic or foreign origin as well as its standard of fineness.

Assay techniques can be following:

-       traditional hallmarking,

-       laser procedure placed,

-       a hint of issuing Certification (Certificate),

-       external positioned hallmarks (e.g. Seal, Chip).

 Any precious metal article, artwork, article of consumption made of gold, silver, platinum, and the alloys of these metals with other metals are subject to hallmarking.

Private individuals may present the precious metal articles owned by them for hallmarking if they present the original customs documents or the documents certifying exemption from customs duties and / or the documents certifying ownership.

The request for a private individuals’ hallmarking and the guide are available by clicking at the indicated links.

The company may require the examination of objects in its possession, but their hallmark is only placed if the organization registered in the Authority's register and is allowed to have a responsibility mark.

The precious metal articles shall be presented at the site of the Authority (Budapest, VIII. Bláthy Ottó street 3 to 5) for hallmarking. 

Office hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8 AM-12 AM and 1 PM-3 PM

Friday: 8 AM-12 AM


The precious metal articles shall be submitted along with Hallnote. The order form shall be issued in accordance with reality, indicating the types of objects, the number of units, mass, and the delicacy of the legal props for accurate information. The Authority shall except the presented precious metal articles by determining their weight and shall return them to the presenting party after hallmarking by withdrawing the receipt issued at the time of acceptance.

Should the shape and/or alloy of a hallmarked article significantly change after repair or remaking, the economic organization which carries out the repair or remaking shall present the article repeatedly for testing and possibly hallmarking.

If the client objects to the test result, it may apply for a repeated (decisive) quality test. Should the objection be proved to be unjustified, the costs of such decisive test shall be borne by the presenting party.

Hungary is a member of an international organization is named Vienna convention. Nowadays nineteen countries currently use the Common Control Mark (CCM) marking of the precious metal articles. Our Clients may request to hallmark their goods by these CCM marks and the fees totally equivalent with the domestic hallmarking fees.

The articles are hallmarked in EU member countries shall be accepted in Hungary if these items are totally granted the same consumer protection to the domestic person in all respect.

If the so-called equivalence method is successful after conducting the foreign country's hallmarking procedure in all aspects of Hungarian Authority, as well as the articles are hall- and responsibility marked by, these items shall be considered in Hungary any further investigation or assaying.

From  precious metal articles, the following shall be exempt from hallmarking / responsibility marking obligation based on  the Government Decree No. 508/2017. (XII. 29.):


Administration service fees for hallmarking, assaying and registration content the No. 57/2006. (VIII. 3) GKM decree.

Box editor:
Értékes László                                                      
Phone:  (1) 4585-667

Date of last update: 2024-01-16