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MKEH » kereskedelmi » VOC

Limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products (VOC)

chief counsellor                                  

Phone:  +36 1 4585 520
Fax:      +36 1 4585 828


In compliance with the DIRECTIVE 2004/42/CE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 April 2004 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products and amending Directive 1999/13/EC, the modified Government Decree 25/2006. (II. 3.) (hereinafter: R.) on regulation the contents of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products.

According to the 1st paragraph of Article 3 of R., operators dealing with the placing on the market of products specified in Annex 1 of R. have to be licensed by the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office.

According to the 1) of Article 2 operators are the following:

  • Producers of certain paints and varnishes and of vehicle refinishing products containing volatile organic compound
  • In case of import, the first operator dealing with placing on the market of certain paints and varnishes and of vehicle refinishing products containing volatile organic compound
  • or first customer – with the exception of 5th paragraph of Article 4 – if dealing with placing on the market of products which do not meet the requirements of regulations of Government decree.

Hungarian Trade Licensing Office keeps record of the licensed operators.

According to g) of the 1st paragraph and f) of the 2nd paragraph of the Article 1 of the Regulation 101/2005. (XI. 24.) of the Minister of Economy and Trade, fee of the licensing and registration is 40.000 HUF.

List of registered operators is available on the web-site.

According to the 1st paragraph of Article 6, producers of more than 100 kilogram products containing VOC and first operator dealing with placing on the market of products containing VOC, according to the register regulated in the 8th Annex of R. shall submit the report of the quantity of supplied products during the previous year by 31 of January using the table of Annex 9 of R. 

Date of last update: 2024-07-03