Akadálymentes mkeh.hu
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Import authorization for venture contracts

Authorization issued by the Goverment Office is also required for the undertaking contracts on services between firms established in Hungary and firms in any non-member states of the European Economic Area or Switzerland when the fulfillment of such contracts is carried out by posting of foreign employees to Hungary.


Government Decree No. 52/2012. (III. 28.) on the cross-tariff border or cross-border trade in goods, services and rights representing material value.

Further detailed information is available on the Hungarian WEB-site.

Ms. Krisztina SZÓTÉR

Phone: +36 (1) 4585 526

Fax:    +36 (1) 4585 828

E-mail:  keo--.at.--bfkh.gov.hu

Date of last update: 2024-01-31