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Haditechnikai és Exportellenőrzési Hatóság
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Transit Licences

senior counsellor

Tel:    +36  (1) 458-5577

According to the Article1 Paragraph 13th of the Government Decree No. 16/2004. (II.6.) “transit” means: the shipping process in the course of which military equipment is moved through the territory of the Republic of Hungary in such a way that there is no change in its customs status. 

The export and transit of military equipment and technical assistance is not permissible

a) to countries where there is armed conflict,

b) to countries where armed conflict threatening international peace and security is expected to take place and where the UN Security Council, the Council of the European Union or the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe have called upon the parties concerned to resolve the dispute underlying the conflict through peaceful negotiations or has declared an embargo on the shipment of military equipment, military technical assistance and related training,

c) in those cases where the transaction is contrary to the criteria of the COUNCIL COMMON POSITION 2008/944/CFSP defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment

d) to countries or organizations and persons, where or for whom -according to the prescriptions of international and EU actions on fighting terrorism- is forbidden to deliver military equipment or to provide military related services


A transit licence can be requested if a valid activity licence is already held. The deadline for assessing an application for a transit licence is 10 working days.

Applications for transit licences must be submitted using the standard form prescribed by the HTLO.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

a) the official packing list or the commercial invoice containing a detailed list of the packed items,

b) the export licence from the country of origin,

c) the EUC and/or the import licence and/or the IIC from the country of destination

d) if the destination is not in a neighbouring country, the transit licence for the neighbouring country into which the shipment will pass after leaving Hungary.

Application fee: 2.200 HUF





Date of last update: 2011-11-02