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Information about cross border tour guiding service provision


The notification must contain

  • name of the provider
  • address of the provider or seat of the organisation
  • name of the activity
  • verification of the nationality 
  • certified copy of a document and a certified translation of that Member State certifies that the established service provider is entitled to exercise the profession
  • the service provider’s documents in proof that he finished the qualification

Certified translations can be made by the OFFI, the Hungarian embassy and a notary.



The process

During the process the department analyse if the notification and the documents meets the requirement of the Law 2009. LXXVI. The department informs the provider within 8 days whether the notification is correct or not.

If the notification meets the requirements of the Law 2009 LXXVI. and the processing fee was paid the department verify the notification by sending a letter.

If the notification doesn’t meet the requirements of the Law 2009. LXXVI. or the processing fee wasn’t paid than the department warns the provider that the activity will be sanctioned. The department also identifies the shortcomings of the notification.


For further information please contact the following officials in charge:

Mr. Márton NYERGES                                Tel.: +36 1 4585 544




Mr. Tamás Békési  (Phone: +36-1-4585-538 Email: idegenforgalmi--.at.--bfkh.gov.hu)

Date of last update: 2022-01-13