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 Chemical Weapons Convention

Mr. Jozsef Pete 

Department of Export Control
H-1124 Budapest Németvölgyi út 37-39.

The Department of Export Control of the Authority of Defense Industry and Export Control is the National Authority responsible for the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention in Hungary. 

Main tasks of the Authority is the national implementation of Act No. CIV. of 1997 on the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction" according to the prescriptions of Government Decree 212/1998. (XII. 24.) on the "Implementation of Declaration Obligations Arising from the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction and the Order of Supervision (both document is avaible only in Hungarian). In the course of the implementation of the Convention the Authority has direct contacts with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (further on: Organisation) residing in The Hague in The Netherlands. 

The Authority prepares and forwards the national declarations twice a year to the Organisation with UN status on the basis of the aggregated declarations of companies pursuing activities falling under the scope of the Act.

Methods of declaration have been summarized in the Declaration Manual.

Inspectors of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons residing in The Hague are entitled to verify the veracity of the information given in the national declarations. Rights and obligations of the parties in respect of the inspections have been summarised in the Act and the Declaration Manual. The National Authority should receive the inspectors and provide for assistance to ensure the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the Convention and the Declaration Manual.

Further detailed information can be obtained on the link referred to or from the staff of the Export Control Department.

We kindly inform our clients that according to the declaration obligations prescribed in Article 6 of Government Decree 212/1998. (XII. 24.) companies concerned are obliged to make declarations on the controlled activities pursued in the previous year once a year till the 10th February and on  planned activities regarding the following year till the 30th September. Forms required for the declarations and filling in instructions can be downloaded from here. (RFT format, 435 Kbyte)


Hereby we inform our clients that a modification of Goverment Decree 212/1998. (XII. 24) has entered into force on the 29th October 2012. The Export Control Department has issued a newsletter summarising the changes in preparing the annual declarations and related administrative issues. The newsletter is available here. (only in Hungarian)


Useful information

We wish to draw our clients attention to the issues of transfers (trade within the European Union from or to the territory of Hungary) of listed chemicals in CWC. With the newly amended regulation the transaction falls now under the scope of the EU and national regulations on Dual-Use Items, namely the Council Regulation No. 428/2009/EC and the Goverment Decree No. 13/2011 (II:22.)

In case of import (import from a third country to the customs territory of the European Union) an International Import Certificate is obligatory, in case of export (outside of the customs territory of the European Union) of listed chemicals, the exporter should apply for an Individual Export Licence or use the Community General License No. EU001 or EU006. See procedure under “trade of dual-use items”. 

If necessary do not hesitate to contact:

Mr. József Pete

Junior Expert 

Phone: +36 1 4585 601



Date of last update: 2023-03-08